Sunday, February 21, 2010

Chapter 5


The next day after school Tucker and Sam decided that they should go and see how Jazz was because the way she sounded yesterday was not good and what was also not was that she didn't come to school which Danny would say was a miricle because Jazz loved school.


They rang the door bell and when no one came they just let themselfs in and went straight to Jazz's room.

"Hey Jazz" called out Sam when they got there "can we come in" and she waited for a reply and the only reply they got was Jazz opening the door.

"Hey guys" she said in very low voice "I'm very sorry about last night I over reacted" Jazz said with a frown because she was thinking of Danny.

"Well Jazz where was Danny's body with Vlad or was it by the road." asked Tucker very concerned about Jazz.

"They said that Vlad found his body by his property and that a ghost did it." said Jazz now finally realizing something "But you know what I think Vlad set that up but that doesn't make any sense how would he get mom by doing that."

"He wouldn't Jazz but I don't think Danny's dead at least not anymore." said Sam now chatching on to what Jazz was thinking.

"Why do you think that Vlad could of killed him." said Tucker still confused.

"Tucker don't you get Vlad wants them to think Danny's dead because if they think he's dead then he can kidnap him and no one would suspect a thing because no one will look for someone who's dead." said Sam in a very serious tone.

"That makes sense so what do we do know go to Wisconsin and confront Vlad he won't give Danny back that is if he has him that dead body could of been a clone he's done that before you know." said Tucker trying to figure out the best possible way of getting his friend back.

"Well we don't but confronting Vlad is a start." said Jazz now going down to the Lab to get the specter speeder.


Vlad sat in the living room thinking how things didn't go as smooth as he planned especially with Daniel the teen had almost cried in front of him so he knew that Danny was not happy with him which he had expected but he was going to have to talk to him sooner or later he hadn't left his room since Vlad showed it to him.

He refused to come down to eat or to let anyone in so he was going to have to phase in if he wanted to talk to Daniel.

"I should do that now after all he can't avoid me forever." Vlad said now standing up and headed for Danny's room when he got there he was simply just going to walk in when he realized that the teen had locked himself in so he turned intangble and phased through the door just to see Daniel curled up on his bed.

He wasn't sure if he was awake or asleep until he heard a sigh "Daniel" he said to get teen's attention. Danny turned around and sat up and looked at him for a minute.

"What?" he asked.

Vlad walked closer to Daniel and sat on the bed with him but with caution he looked at the teen and seen not really any reaction out of the teen at all.

"I just want to talk with you and mabey explain some rules that I didn't mention yesterday." he said concerned about how the boy was handling this that was the real reason he had come to talk to make sure that he hadn't crushed the young half ghost spirit or spunk.

"Okay" he said without looking at him.

He looked at Daniel and seen that he was not happy actually he looked depressed and about to cry. he went closer to him turned his head so he could look Daniel right in the eye's and try and find out what was wrong even though he already knew but he knew that was not the only thing bothering him.

Danny tried to flinch away but Vlad wouldn't let him he looked at him right in the eye's and behind those very sad ocean blue eye's he saw fear but fear of what? what could possibly scare his stubborn little badger the boy wasn't even afraid of him even though most ghost did so what is Daniel afraid of?

Danny turned his head again and again Vlad grabed his chin gently and made him look at him again "Daniel are you okay." he said worried that Daniel might be more upset than he thought.

But Danny didn't answer he just kept trying to avoid Vlad's eyes. "Daniel did you hear me I asked if you were okay."

"Yeah I'm fine" he said finally barely above a whisper.

But Vlad knew he was not fine he could tell "No you're not you are anything but fine my boy it's all over your face." he said now pulling Danny closer to him so he could comfort him because the boy was defenitally upset.
Danny tried to pull away "No come here"said Vlad again pulling him closer and huged him and rubbing his back and then Danny started doing what he was trying not to do yesterday.
Danny continued to cry he couldn't help it, it finally gotten to him and Vlad was tyring to comfort him it didn't really make much sense but Danny didn't really care if it was Vlad who he was getting comfort from he just needed it.
"shh it's alright little badger I'm here shh" Vlad said and the teen still continuded until he couldn't anymore still huging him Vlad asked softly "Now tell me little badger whats wrong and don't say nothing because I know something is wrong."
"I just miss them and I don't understand why me?" said Danny still encased in Vlad's creepy yet comforting hug.
Well Vlad knew that but he knew that wasn't all that was bothering him what was Daniel hidding "what else is wrong?" he said gently.
"What do you mean what else I just told you what was wrong" said Danny straightining himself and up and looked at Vlad confused by his question.
"Yes you did but that is not all that is bothering you am I right?" Vlad asked even though he knew he was right.
Danny didn't answer because that wasn't all that was bothering him like the older hybrid said but he didn't feel ready to tell him because he knew that Vlad would not understand only him and Clockwork understood. He had to go see Clockwork soon because he didn't know what to do what if he became evil.
"I'll take your silence as a yes." Vlad said noticing that Danny was not going to answer the boy's head shot up he must of spaced out again "well if you don't want a talk about it you don't have to but I really wish you would but I can't make but remeber when you're ready to talk I'll be here." he said now heading for the door when...
"Wait you don't have to go Vlad you said that you forgot to tell me the rest of the rules." said Danny he didn't really want Vlad to leave he was lonely and wanted something to do.
"Oh I just said that to talk to you but if you really want to talk then we can talk some more if that is what you really want my boy." said Vlad knowing that the younger hybrid was probly bored out of his mind having not left his room all day.
"Well I don't really feel like talking" he said honestly and noiticed Vlad grin " but we could do something because I'm bored" he said and both him and Vlad started chuckling.
"Well why don't you join me down stairs and we can play a game of chess or something." he said smiling yet feeling a little guilty that the boy wanted to spend time with him after what he just did.
"Okay" said Danny now going to the door to follow Vlad.

Top 10 Pokemon

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chapter 4


Danny woke up about an hour after Vlad left he was suprized to find himself still in the living room where he had fallen asleep but he realized that Vlad must of put him back in here after he was out of..... well where ever he was last.

Danny grabed his now pounding head and his sore arm from where Vlad had put the needle. danny got up and headed for the door but remebering that it was locked he headed for the second door.

He tried to open it but was also locked "Looks like the fruit loop dosen't want me leaving this room." danny mutter angrily and then he thought his ghost powers had come back yesterday so he could always just phase through the door and escape.

But then he thought of what the older hybrid said to him before he fell asleep.

"I'll tell you the rest later little badger."

So he knew the hybrid was going to come back and he would not be happy to see that his prize had escaped and plus Danny wanted an explanation to what the man was up to.

So danny went back to the couch and sat down whith his head still pounding he wondered what was Vlad going to do him and what did he want he knew that the older hybrid would never go through so much trouble unless he wanted something.

What did Vlad do to make my mom cry remebering he had heard his mother crying but why? He was just asleep wasn't he?


Well speak of the Devil thought Danny as Vlad came in and he looked at the young half ghost and smiled.

"Ah Daniel your awake good." said Vlad now placing the tray he had been carring onto a table "I brought you something to eat you must be starving" said Vlad pushing the food toward Danny.

Danny glared at the man and said "No thank you I'm not hungry" Danny lied and pushed the tray away.

"Come on Daniel eat" Vlad pleaded but knowing he was not going to eat he decided he had to threaten him " I will force to eat if you don't do it willingly." he said to the teen in a serious tone.

Danny stopped glaring at the man when heard that and he knew that Vlad was not kidding he picked up the fork and started eating and didn't notice Vlad smirking at him.

After he was done he looked up at Vlad "Okay I ate now talk Plasmius" growled Danny he wanted to know what had happend to him while he was asleep.

"Really Daniel if I were to look up the word Impaitent right now I swear your picture would be right there"said Vlad grinning.

"Oh yeah well if I look up procrastinating yours would be there" said Danny annoyed that the man wouldn't tell him.

Vlad looked at him shocked that Daniel even knew what the word procrastinating meant cause that is exacly what he was doing and Vlad sighed "Alright Daniel you win I'll talk" said Vlad in 'I really don't want do this' voice.

"Okay first you can explain to me what else that serum did because I heard my mom crying and I want know why she was." he said seriously to the man and crossed his arms over his chest.

Vlad frowned he knew the boy was going to ask that and he knew that if he told him that Daniel would hate him but he also knew the boy was not going to let this go until he got the truth.

"Well you see that serum did more then make you sleep my boy it well how should put this made you seem well dead" he said fearfully and waited for the boy to react but when he didn't Vlad knew the boy wanted more than that so he continued and sighed saddly " It made look like you weren't breathing and that you had no pulse or heart beat and i put fake bloody bandages on you so it looked like you were killed and that is why Maddie was crying" said Vlad now looking at the boy.

Danny's eyes grew wide with shock "Y You told her I was d dead." he stuttered in fear and he stood up and hit the wall in frustration "YOU TOLD HER I WAS DEAD" Danny shouted angry at the but would not face him afraid that he was going to start crying if he looked at him.

Vlad stood up and went toward Daniel knowing that the teen was mad he stayed about two paces away "Daniel I know your angry with me but please I hope you forgive me because I don't want you to be mad at me while your staying with me." he said not realizing that he had let that info slip until the teen turned around and glared at him.

"WHAT NO WAY I'M NOT STAYING HERE." Danny shouted angrily at the older hybrid with out noticing that he had tears in his now green eyes which immediatly turn blue again and he turned around again so Vlad wouldn't see.

But he had already seen and walked closer until he was right behind Danny and placed a hand on his shoulder he wanted to comfort him but the flinched and pushed his hand away which meant he didn't want talk anymore but he was not going to leave him like this.

"Come on little badger let me help you" he said putting his hand on Daniel's shoulder again only to have the teen fire an ecto blast him. He groaned in pain but he had expected that and he looked at the teen again and seen that he had turned into Danny Phantom.

"I'm not staying here and how can you just think that I was going to stay with you." said Danny coldly and he flew and then phased through the door.

Vlad transformed into his ghost form and went after the teen and he thought just great now I have to chase him. where did he go Vlad tried to use his inner ghost sense but he couldn't find the teen's ecto signature anywhere and knew he must have turned back into his human form so instead of just searching blindly he duplicated him self and went to search for the boy.

Danny had gotten to the loby and turned back into his human form knowing that Vlad couldn't sense his signature while he was human and he ran for the door but it was locked man does he have all the stinking doors locked. Danny thought angrily but when he saw the duplicate he went for cover.

When he seen the duplicate teleport he sighed in relife just to get grabed by the real Vlad "Ahh No let me go." said Danny struggling to get out of the man's grip but he knew it was pointless.

Vlad also now in his human form tightend his grip when the boy almost broke free "calm down Daniel I'm not going to hurt you now please listen for just five minutes and let me explain" he said gental voice and losend his grip and helped the boy up.

Danny throw the older hybrid's hands off of him and backed away getting ready to fight "Let you explain what how your going to make me stay here with you and how any of this is going to help you get my mom and kill my dad I don't think so." he replied still angry that his parents think he's dead.

"This has nothing to do with them" Vlad replied irritaited but realized he was just making Daniel even more upset so he took a calm breath "But this does have to with you staying here which you are my boy but you have to let me explain why."he said now holding up the plasmius maximus and put it down showing the younger hybrid he was not going to force him but if he had to he would.

Danny lowered his gaurd getting the message "Okay fine I'll listen but I am not staying here there's nothing you say do that can change my mind and you know that." he said giving the man a glare.

"like I said you are staying here because you have nowhere else to go because soon everybody is going to think that Danny Fenton is dead so unless you have some kind of secret hidding place my boy your not going anywhere."said Vlad annoyed that the teen had talked that way to him.

"Thats not fair I didn't have choice in any of this besides I thought you wanted my mom how is her thinking I'm dead going to get her to fall in love with you." said Danny irritaited that he didn't have any other choice except staying with his enemy.

"I told it has nothing to do with Maddie and don't you dare make this about her Daniel." said Vlad angry that the boy had mentioned it but realizing that they were also talking about his mother he quickly wanted to change the topic.

Danny's eyes changed to green but again they changed back quickly back to blue at the mention of his mom " Tell me why Vlad please I don't understand." Danny whispered "Why did you take me and not my mom" he said still not understanding what the man had planed.

"I don't want to talk about that Daniel so please let it go" he said and noticed the boy was about to say something else but he cut him off "Please Daniel just for now until I'm ready to tell you my boy." said Vlad sincerly now going towards the young half ghost " I'll show you where your staying,come" he said walking towards the staircase.

"So did you find him?" Jazz asked fearfully even though she knew the answer and she was about to tell Tucker and Sam what her parents had told her about her little brother.
"No sorry jazz we looked everywhere and couldn't find Danny or Schulker" Said sam.
"But don't worry jazz were going to keep looking even if we have to go to the ghost zone." said Tucker.
"Thanks you two but you don't have to keep looking because my parents already found him" she said sadly with a frown.
"Then why are you so sad thats great that they found Danny so how did he get to Wisconsin though?" said a confused Tucker.
"I guess Vlad must have been envolved but Sam Tucker they didn't find Danny alive." said jazz now tears starting to run down her face again.
"WHAT?"they both answered together.
"He's dead my little brother is dead" said Jazz now crying again and she loged off the computer and cried into her pillow.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Chapter 2

Vlad's Plan

Sam and Tucker got to the place where danny's signal was last seen. They decided to split up and look for clues to where danny is that or hope that they accedentialy find him.

Sam saw something lying in the grass and went to get a closer look. Sam gasped at what she saw and quickly went to her communicator to tell tucker what she had found.

"Tucker come in"

"I read you did you find anything or danny?"

"Yeah I found something I found Danny's backpack and a broken ecto-net."

"Well then I guess we know what happend oh and I found Danny's cell phone by the soccer field."

"Okay thats a lead meet me at the Nasty Burger and will see if we can find Schulker and Danny."

"Okay sounds like a plan meet you there Tucker out."

As they said they both met at the Nasty Burger and kept try to tell each other that Danny was still alive and not killed by schulker but they thought that mabey Danny was fighting Schulker.

Although if danny was fighting Schulker then there would be some kind activity in the city and since there was none and from what the had seen around the school there definatly was a fight but it didn't look like danny had won.

"Sam you know it is possible that Danny could still be alive and he could be just captured by Schulker because I didn't find any blood." Said Tucker trying to hide his nerves.

Sam didn't answer she Tucker was right and that danny could be alive but she wasn't so sure where would schulker hide him? in the Ghost Zone? No he would ether have to go through Danny's portal or Vlad's and if he went to Vlad's well he would definatly take danny hostage and lure his dad there so no danny was defanitly in the human world but where?

"Sam? Sam. Hello Earh To Sam." sam suddenly looked up and seeing Tucker's sigh of relife "Phew I thought I lost you there." said tucker "Okay like I was saying we'll split up and look arund Amity Park and serch for Schulker if we find Schulker we'll find danny."

"Okay but Tucker we don't even know if danny is still in Amity Park." said sam looking slightly worried.

"Well if he isn't then tommorrow we'll-." tucker was cut short because sam burst in.

"TOMMORROW what do you mean tommorrow Tucker we have to find danny now!" said sam furious and scared of tucker even thinking of leaving him out there.

"Whoa sam calm down I don't want to leave him out there ether but we have school tommorrow and my parents will kill me if I miss my curfew on school night and we can't miss school ether because we'll both be in big trouble besides what if danny comes back and were not there then he'll look for us and we'll all be on a wild goose chase." said Tucker who was taking a big bite of his all meat burger.

"Yeah I guess your right after all I know danny can take care of himself." Sam paused and in a whisper said "I'm just worried."

"I know sam me too." said tucker also in a whisper and once the two teens finished their meal they went to look for danny.


Danny woke up and found himself lying on a coach in a room that had two doors but no windows.

At first danny didn't know where he was or how he had got here and then his memory kicked in he had used his ghostly wail (which usually left him exausted when ever he used it) he had used it when he was fighting with plasmius and then he had passed out and he guessed that vlad had carried him here.

But why aren't I in his secret lab why am I in this room? and what is he up to and what do I have to do with it?

Danny pondered all of these questions carefully. then he heard some at the door and due to no ghost sense he automatically knew who was and he quickly transformed and turned invisible he was in no condition to fight but he knew had to get out of here somehow.

Vlad walked in and expected to see the young hybrid still asleep on the couch but unfornatly he didn't actually he saw no one in the or so he thought he quickly changed his vision so he could see invisible thing and sure enough he saw Daniel trying to sneak past him.

Not knowing that vlad could see him he went towards the open door he could just phased through it but he didn't want vlad to catch him but unfortunatly he didn't get far that because one of Vlad's stupid duplicates appered in front of him and blast him knocking him out of invisibilty.

"And just WHERE did you think you were going Daniel." said vlad in a sort a annoyed tone that danny had even tried that.

Danny growled and answered "I was going to get the heck out of here." and gave vlad a glare.

He's going to make me do this the hard way vlad thought he hadn't wanted Daniel to be awake yet so he could give him a shot but he knew the boy would wake up eventually it was lucky that he had planned for this.

before vlad realised the boy wasn't in front of him he duplicated again making his copy go after the young half ghost while he waited to trap him.

His copy chased Daniel to where he was and before the boy realised it had been a trap he jabed his new gadget into his chest and Daniel landed on the floor in human form. Danny looked up and saw the gadget he thought he had destroyed.

"The Plasmius Maximus I thought I destroyed that thing." said danny suprized to see the device in vlad's hand.

"Oh you did my dear boy" said vlad cooly "But you see as soon as you destroyed it I started working on a new one but this one you see is more of an upgrade compared to the one you destroyed." he said with a smirk at the boy's expression.

"How much of an upgrade." said danny wondering how long he would be with out his powers.

Vlad gave an evil smile at the boy's question "About 21 more hours and since I know you can't do the math thats 24 hours and that is a full day my dear boy which means it'll be easier to catch you." he said as lunged at the boy.

Danny doged the man's hand by doing a sumer sault and then he bolted towards the door only to find out that it was locked. Suddenly one of Vlad's duplicates grabed him and he yelped.

"LET ME GO, LET ME GO."danny screamed as the copy took him back to the place where he woken up. he forced danny to sit on his lap as he roled up danny's sleve.

Vlad came toward him in his human form and then took out a needle with strange orange liquid in it. he knelt down and put a comforting on Daniel shoulder and tried to calm him down when danny seen the needle and vlad knew he couldn't calm him "Hold him still." he told his duplicate seeing him almost lose his grip on the boy.

"NO!" danny shouted as the man came closer with the needle and he struggled even more violently and the duplicate just tightend his grip and danny felt a hand on his shoulder and and vlad whispering "shh, it's alright, I'm not going to hurt you, calm down shh"

The boy had calmed down a little and that was enough to give danny the shot he carefully roled up the sleve and put the needle in danny's shoulder. Danny winced in the pain and vlad kept whispering to him to keep him calm once he was done he called his duplicate back and sat beside danny.

Danny felt dizzy and then he looked up at Vlad "What was that stuff and what's it going to do to me?" He asked wanting to know if the man had poisioned him.

"Oh that was just serum my boy it's not going to kill you it's just going to make you sleep for two days." said vlad answering Daniel's question and seeing the worried look on the boy's face he obviously thinking he had poisioned him and he did not blame him he would have thought that too his arch enemy forcefully gave him a shot.

"Why make me sleep for two days." Danny asked confused at what the older hybrids intentions were.

"Because that is how long your parents are going to be here and I need you asleep when they get here." vlad stopped at what eles he was going to say but then he looked at the teen and noticed that the the serum was starting to kick in. He got up and put his hand on danny's shoulder.

"I'll explain the rest later little badger." he said as he guided the teen to lie down on the couch "But right now you need to sleep."he smiled at the teen and noticed that he he was trying to fight to going to sleep and before Daniel did fall asleep he kissed him on the forehead and said"sweet dreams son"

Friday, February 5, 2010

Chapter 3

Fake Death

After Danny had fallen asleep Vlad quickly but fake bloody bandages on him. the older hybrid looked at the teen with sad eyes he really wished he didn't have to do this but unfornatly he knew that Jack and Maddie were not just going to give him Daniel.

Vlad figured this out not that long ago that he could only have one of the two people he cared for Daniel and Maddie, but the touble was Vlad wanted kids and since Maddie was to old he decided that Daniel was going to his son for more reasons then one but there was also more trouble.

He had figure out that he would never be able to get the love of life Maddie for two reasons 1. because Daniel was always getting in the of destroying Jack and jack always got in the way of Maddie's love 2. and because he knew she would never be happy here.

So he had decided on going after Daniel but there were also complications there because of his friends and family the man knew that the young hybrid would not leave them willingly and also because the boy did not trust him and he really couldn't blame him he had never really showed that he actually cared for the boy.

Vlad sighed and looked again at the unconious teen "You know Daniel I bet if you were awake you'd be giving me one of the most evil glares in the world if you knew what I was doing." he said to the teen.

Even though danny was asleep vlad knew the boy could hear every word he said, he hadn't had time to tell the teen what else that serum he had given him did besides just making him sleep for two days it also made it seem like he was dead because while under the affects Daniel couldn't move a muscel it made it seem that he didn't have a pulse or a heart beat and made it look like he wasn't breathing.


Vlad heard the door bell and he looked at the teen one last time "Ah. That must be your parents Daniel don't worry I'll be right back." he said kissing the teen on the forehead again and then headed for the door.

When Vlad got to the lobby of his house he opened the door and sure enough saw Jack and Maddie standing there waiting to greet him.

"Jack, Maddie it so nice to see you again." he said in a sincere smile " and just were are Jasmine and Daniel." he asked just so the topic of Daniel would come up.

"Oh Vlad we couldn't bring them because they have school tommorrow." said Maddie in nice sweet voice "OH that reminds me I better call them and see how there doing. excuse me for a minute."

"So V-man how have you been we haven't seen for almost two months."said Jack while Maddie phone home.

"Oh I've been good Jack busy though but I do have some news that will shock both you and Maddie." said vlad in low voice.

"Well okay Vladdie but I want to say thank you for letting me and Maddie stay here while we go to the ghost convention in Madison." said Jack while carring in their lugage. And Maddie came back into the room.

"Maddie as I was just telling Jack I have some news that I think you should here." Vlad paused for dramatic affect "It's concerning Daniel I'm afraid he he's dead." said vlad and he looked at the two adults shocked looks.

"But, But I just talked to Jazz and she said that Danny was at Tucker's house." said Maddie in a worried voice.

Vlad didn't say anything now what was he supose to say he didn't expect the boy's friends to get involved but now that he thought about it he remebered that when he was fight Daniel that the boy was talking on his cell phone and disticly heard the boy say sam so of course his friends were involved so now he had to think of something clever yet practical to say.

"Well then your probly not going to believe this but I'm certain that a ghost kidnapped your son and killed him." said vlad in a low voice

"Please Vladdie tell me your kidding please." said Jack pleading and hoping that his boy was still alive.

"I wish I was Jack but no I found his body in the forest by my property and then seen a ghost flying away." he paused "I did what I could but it was too late Daniel was already dead by the time I got there." he said with a long sad sigh.

"Can we see his body." asked Maddie in a small voice

"Of course you are his parents after all." said Vlad now leading them to the living room were he was keeping Daniel. He opened the door slowly and let them in.

When they were in Maddie gasped at the sight of the boy's unconsious body and quickly raced over to it to see if it was real. Jack quickly rushed to her side also shocked to see their son lying there with bloody bandages and a peaceful look.

"I'm so sorry for this I wish there was something more I could do to help."said vlad looking at Maddie who was now crying over her son's body he felt so bad for making her this unhappy.

"No Vlad you have already done so much for us."said Jack now trying to comfort his wife.

"No please I insits that you let me throw the boy a small funeral here after all he should be buried were he was well you know."Vlad said carefully not trying to offend them.

"Well we appreciate it but you don't have to V-man." said Jack still looking at his dead son.

"I know I don't have to Jack but I want to in honor of Daniel." said vlad now coming over and looking at the teen and knowing how much the teen was going to hate him when he woke up.

They hesitated but they did eventually agree and so the next morning before Jack and Maddie went to the convention they did a little funeral and vlad knew that Daniel was going to have to stay in a coffin for the night so before he put the teen in there he added a air supply machine.

"Now there is enough air to last a week little badger but you only have to stay in here for a day so don't worry I'll come and get you once your parents leave."said Vlad to the unconsious boy.

So the next day when Jack and Maddie left he went to the grave where they buried Daniel and went into his ghost form and turned intangeble and and got the boy he knew that he would be waking up in about 2 hours.

He took the boy back to the living room and placed him on the couch and put a blanket on him and went to the door and decided to get some food for the boy since he had not eaten for almost three days and he left the room.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Danny Phantom/Vlad story

Chapter 1: Kidnapped

Danny was on his way when his ghost sense went off and seen what caused it Vlad Plasmius his arch enemy. But wait danny thought vlad never set off his ghost sense so who did?


A ecto plasmic net got him and danny got his answer Schulker ghost zone's graetest hunter who ocassionally worked with plasmius.

"Hello Daniel" said Vlad with a smirk.

Danny glared and cried out "I'm going ghost" his hero quot but nothing happend and the young half ghost made a confused face. "Why can't I go ghost."

Seeing the Young hybrid oblivously confused Vlad couldn't help but to see the boy struggle to change into his ghost form.

"You may as well give up my boy this net was made especially for you which means you can't use any of your powers while your in there." said Vlad now grabing the net.

"What do you want Plasmius"said danny giving vlad a glare of hate when he tried to grab him.

"I thought I made that clear to you." said Vlad with a soft chuckle "I guess I didn't alright I want you Daniel why eles would I be here now come on were going to Wisconsin"danny gave him a look of your mad.

"What!"Danny exclaimed "No way I'm not going anywhere with you especially Wisconsin" said and to Vlad's suprize actually breaking the net and escaping then danny turned into his ghost form.

"Did I say you had any choice in the matter Daniel" said Vlad a little annoyed that the net hadn't been able to hold the young half ghost.

"Does it matter I'm not going and that's that" said danny "Oh and by the way fruit loop next time don't send your friends because they set off my ghost sense and if you trying to sneak up on me well thats not the best way."

"I'd rather do this the easy but if you insist on the hard so be it" At that Plasmius lunged at danny.

Danny managed to doge and then said " You should know by now Vlad that for me this is the easy way" which vlad gave a total amused look to

"Your right I should know that but you know me little badger I'm a slow learner." said vlad sarcasticlly.


Jazz was waiting outside for danny when she saw Tucker and Sam danny's best friends. "Hey Tucker, Sam"

"Hey Jazz" they both said "What's wrong." said Tucker seeing how worried danny's sister looked.

"Have you guy's seen danny he's not home from school yet and I'm getting worried." said jazz

"Don't be jazz danny's probly just fighting a ghost and look if makes you feel better I'll call him." said sam getting her cell phone out.


Danny was flying away from Vlad and firing some ecto blasts when..



Danny answers his phone while trying to doge vlad's attacks "Hello?"

"Danny it's me sam where are you."

"listen sam this is not a good time"

"why are you fighting a ghost?"

"Uh yeah listen I have to go-" Vlad punched him and danny droped his phone.

Now vlad was on top of him pinning him down "Ready to give up now Daniel."

"No! Now get off of me." said danny stuggling to push vlad off of him.

"You may as well surrender my boy you can't win." said the older hybrid watching Daniel struggle.

"I SAID GET OFF!" said danny using his ghostly wail and finally pushing vlad off of him he got up and started breathing hard and then passing out and reverting back to human form.

"Plasmius are you okay?" asked a concerned schulker "Mabey I should of warned that the whelp was going to try that"

"Yes mabey but my plan still worked he wore himself out." said Vlad gestering to were danny lay unconsiuos "Now is my new gaget ready schulker?"

"Yes everything is ready but are you sure that you want to take in the whelp he can be a handful." said schulker not really sure of the older hybrid's plan.

Vlad didn't answer at first and he walked over to Daniel and picked up the young hybrid ever so carefully "Yes I'm sure and if everything works out Daniel will be mine." said Vlad smiling at the teenager in his arms and flew off towards Wisconsin.



"DANNY! Please come in." said Sam frantically calling danny cell phone number again sam looked at jazz and Tucker "His phone went dead I can't reach him but I know one thing for sure he was fighting a ghost so we just have to go were danny signal was and will find him tucker can you track his signal?"

Tucker checked his PDA and nodded "Yep were all set." then he looked at Jazz and seen how worried she looked and he said in a comforting voice " Don't worry Jazz will find danny right now cover for danny with your parents okay."

"Okay you just danny I'll tell mom and that he is staying with Tucker for tonight." said jazz now alot more confindent.

My favorite Cat

Monday, February 1, 2010