Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Chapter 21

The Talk

Danny had flown back to his room by the time Plasmius had come to check up on him. When he came in he looked both concerned and serious, why? Danny didn't know but knew something big was about to come up.

"Daniel, I need to talk with you about something. Something important" Vlad said and Danny looked at him with curiosity.

"Oh yeah like what Froot Loop?" Danny asked him with a tone of disgust in his voice he should have ignored Clockwork and left when he had the chance.

"Like your training. Starting tomorrow after work you and I will train for 2 hours everyday. Is that clear Daniel?" Vlad asked and the teen just stared wondering if the man was serious.

"Train? With you!? You're nuts! Why would I ever train with you? I never accepted your offer before so what makes you think that I will now?" Danny asked and Vlad realized that he had a point there.

"Who said you had a choice Daniel? You are living under my roof, so you will live by my rules"

"I'm only living under your roof because I have no other choice! You took my choices away from me remember!?" The teen shouted, and yes Vlad did remember all to well but Clockwork said to make the boy happy....Just how was he supposed to do that? Daniel hated him to no avail even though the teen knew how much he cared about him.

"Yes I know and for that I am truly sorry Daniel, I will explain why I did what I did later on but for now you must trust me when I say that I love you." Vlad told him once again with a smile "Now please stop rebelling and let me train you, Or I might carry through on my threat and force you"

"You are really unbelievable sometimes you know that? You say you love me to through me off guard and then you threaten me again! Normal people don't threaten those they love you know!"

"Well I'm not normal Daniel, I'm a Half Ghost Hybrid like you are. And you have nothing else to do anyways so why not train with me?"

The older hybrid did have a point with he nothing else to do, so he could fight him back there and soon enough realized that Vlad had won their fight yet again. Danny sighed in surrender.

"Fine Plasmius, I'll train with you. Happy?"

"Daniel there is no need for that tone. And I am not happy, you wanna know why Daniel? Because you are unhappy. Please tell me what I can do to make you smile Daniel?"

"Let me go" Danny said and finally looked the older man in the eye.

"I'm afraid I can't do that little badger, and you know that." Vlad took a few steps toward him and tilted his chin up when Danny bowed his head down. "Don't be sad little badger, I promise I'll make it up to you. You'll see" Vlad then let go of Danny's chin and went to the door before he left he called "Dinner will be ready in a few of hours, I hope to see you downstairs at that time."

Danny watched the man leave, and went to sit down on the bed with a sigh. He just wanted to leave, and how was Vlad going to make it up to him? He couldn't there was no way he could what he had done was unforgivable in Danny's eyes. Danny then laid down on the bed and fell asleep.

Vlad thought that could have gone better but what else was he to do, the child needed time to grow use to the idea that he could be happy here. And he would give that time before and after their training sessions. He guessed he could have picked a different day to start rather than a saterday but that could not be helped now.

He just hoped Clockwork was right and that making the boy happy would eventually make Daniel love him as Vlad loved him. He hoped anyway.   

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