Thursday, April 29, 2010

Chapter 12

Hidden Secrets

Jazz had gotten back two days ago but she wouldn't tell Sam and Tucker a thing about what happened all she said was that Danny wasn't in Wisconsin and that she knew that Vlad didn't have him.

"Come on Jazz you know more than you're letting on I can tell"said Tucker when they were at school.

"Really you guys I'm telling the truth my little brother isn't there I looked all over and I even went to Vlad's and he had no idea where Danny is or even if he is still alive"she said feeling guilty for lying to them but she had promised Danny that she wouldn't tell them or anyone but she still felt bad for lying.

"Jazz you can't say I know Danny is still alive I can feel it"said Sam

"If you guys don't believe me go to Wisconsin yourself and you'll see that I'm not lying"Jazz said more harsh than she had intended.

"look Jazz were sorry it's just that I guess it's hard to admit that Danny might be dead"Tucker said and Sam nodded in agreement.

The three of them heard the bell ring and went to their classes with one person on their minds Danny.

Danny had manged to skip the conversation Vlad wanted to finish considering Vlad had to go back to work he had been on vacation when he kidnapped Danny.
Danny was so relieved about that and he really wished he had never brought that up because he didn't want Vlad getting involved with his business especially something like this.
He still couldn't get that dream out of his head what he had seen it was well unbelievable he also couldn't get Jazz out of his mind. He really missed his family and he really wanted to go home and see his friends but that was not going to work since everyone thought he was dead except Jazz.
He had decided to explore the mansion and go outside while Vlad was gone he loved the senary around the house but still it was no Amity Park it didn't matter what he did he still felt homesick and there wasn't really anything he could do about it.
Vlad was still puzzled about who had visited Danny. Vlad had not sensed anyone in his room unless this ghost's signature couldn't be sensed.
But that was impossible. Well not really Vlad only knew one ghost that could do that.
But how had Daniel met Clockwork he barely left the forbidden region of the Ghost Zone. Vlad had met him because the ghost had come to warn him about something that might happen in the future and it concerned the young half ghost who was now living with him.
Clockwork had said that in the future Danny wouldn't be strong enough to fight a certain ghost and that this ghost would kill him. That was the reason he had kidnapped Danny he would have probaly done it anyways but still Vlad was trying to keep him safe cause this ghost killed Daniel to get back at him, at lest thats what Clockwork said.

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